Tuesday 23 November 2010

different concepts and ideas -stop motion (research and testing)

a2 media- stop motion (a-punk (vampire weekend)) from ownis on Vimeo.

As me and my group have may consider stop motion in making our moving pictures music video , I therefore wanted to test and experiment the length of time it would take and how accurate do the pictures have to be in order for them to create continuous movement.

 It’s made up of about 136 pictures and took 2 hours to make. This will give me an insight of how my music video will be the time scale and the amount of pictures I would need to fill the 3 minutes. I used windows movie maker to put it together and a basic camera. While using movie maker I had to speed the paste of each picture by seconds in order for my video to be incessant I failed to create an accurate continues stop motion video in some places, as some pictures do not directly follow each other in movement. This is a error I will defiantly consider while making my own music video if we do make a stop motion video. I will share this experience with my group and take some measure in order not to repeat the same mistake.

The main things I’ve learned from making this video, is that It is very important to have a very patient person that will stay still throughout the photo-shoots. Every precise movement of the actor (in order to imitate realism) should be taken a photo of in order to keep a continuous flow. So the process would be less time consuming, the actor should know what they will be doing beforehand. (As I made my video up as I was going along, therefore it took me along time). I will have to make my video on the apple Mac, as it will then allow me to do more things on it, as I was very restricted on ‘Window Movie Maker’.

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